The comment by Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor SIM, on the Fed’s choices to bring the economy into recession, published on

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Angelo Meda, Head of Equities at Banor SIM, commented on quarterly profits in Italy and Europe. The article was written by Maximilian Cellino for Il Sole 24 Ore.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor SIM, was interviewed on investment solutions in the energy sector, within the Sustainability issue of Milano Finanza.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor SIM, commented on L’Economia - Corriere della Sera how to defend portfolios and the investment opportunities following the ECB's decision to raise rates by half a point.

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Massimiliano Cagliero, CEO at Banor SIM, was interviewed on the exhibition-event of contemporary art "Stravaganze Imperiali", set up at the Grotte di Catullo, Sirmione (Brescia). Banor SIM is the Main Sponsor of the event.

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Angelo Meda, Head of Equities at Banor SIM, commented on how to build a balanced portfolio after the worst 6 months for the markets since 1977. The article was signed by Luigi dell’Olio and published on La Repubblica / Affari&Finanza.

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The results that emerged from the research project by Banor SIM in collaboration with the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano on the differences between ESG ratings are presented in an article published on Avvenire and signed by Andrea Giacobino.

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The fourth ESG research project by Banor SIM, in collaboration with the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, on the differences between ESG ratings is the subject of an article published on La Repubblica / Affari&Finanza.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor SIM, commented on the trends of government bonds, with the Italian BTP at 4%. The article is published on Il Sole 24 Ore and signed by Maximilian Cellino.

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Amir Kuhdari, Head of Business Development - Institutional Clients at Banor SIM, was interviewed by Luigi dell'Olio for at Salone del Risparmio 2022.

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