Angelo Meda, Head of Equities at Banor SIM, interviewed by in an article dedicated to the oil sector.

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Massimiliano Cagliero, CEO at Banor SIM, quoted by in an article dedicated to the US market and Trump's decision to freeze talks with Democrats on the new US economic stimulus plan.

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Patrimoni publishes Massimiliano Cagliero's editorial on USA.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO Banor SIM, interviewed by Investire. The focus is on Q3 2020, governments and central banks' measures to support the economy and the rally of technology stocks.

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Angelo Meda interviewed by Affari&Finanza in an article dedicated to the buybacks at Piazza Affari.

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Angelo Meda, Head of Equities at Banor SIM, was quoted in an article dedicated on gold and commodities published by Tuttosoldi -

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Massimiliano Cagliero, CEO at Banor SIM, interviewed by Pieremilio Gadda on L'Economia - Il Corriere della Sera. The focus is on Europe vs The US and the securities and funds to win in the stock market.

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Avvenire publishes Luca Riboldi's analysis on the European deal and its repercussions on companies.

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La Sicilia publishes an editorial on SMEs signed by Angelo Meda.

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Advisor publishes a special supplement entitled "Asset" with Luca Riboldi's cover and a long interview on the value investing and the results of Banor investment strategies.

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