Speranze sui tassi, timori sulla crescita

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Banor among the companies that participated in the Milano Finanza survey on future prospects. Among the topics: risks to monitor and asset allocation to focus on in 2024.

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The analysis by Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, was published on Plus24 - Il Sole 24 Ore in an article dedicated to the investment forecasts and strategies for 2024.

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The analysis by Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, published on Il Sole 24 Ore in an article dedicated to the possible scenarios for the stock market in 2024.

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Massimiliano Cagliero, CEO at Banor, among the partners of Mycelium, investment holding focused on tech, which acts as a growth accelerator for SMEs.

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The opportunities for 2024, from the Market outlook by Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, published on Il Messaggero.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, quoted in the Sole 24 Ore article dedicated to the prospects in the emerging markets for 2024.

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Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, was interviewed by Class CNBC/Caffè Affari on the market outlook for 2024.

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The analysis by Roberto Bianchi, Head of fund selector at Banor, on the exposure to emerging markets in an easy-to-change portfolio.

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The vision of the financial markets for 2024 by Luca Riboldi, CIO at Banor, published on Bluerating.com.

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