Value Investing & Quality Investing

Since the beginning of our business, our investment strategy has been inspired by the original concept of value investing based on the theory that Benjamin Graham and David Dodd began teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928, and succeffuly tested by Warren Buffett, arguably the world’s most famous American businessman and economist.

The value approach is characterized by its in-depth analysis of individual companies, which makes it possible to identify stocks that are under-valued by the market. This gives investors what Graham describes as a “margin of safety”, in the knowledge that their investment will grow in value over the medium term.

If historically “value” and “growth” have been excluding each other, Banor’s approach envisages a third way: the Quality Investing.
It is a “mixed” approach in which the two different strategies not only coexist, but in some way complement each other.

Our approach involves

Monitor Compounders

Interview analysis and major investor letters




Quarterly documents, financial statement, company profile

Meetings with the management and analysts “buy side”

Analysis for “ideas generation”

BANOR’s investment approach is sustainable and responsible because it integrates environmental, social sustainability and governance criteria (ESG) in the strategies for stock evaluation and selection.